Bleeding gums can indicate a variety of issues. In most cases, the cause is related to oral care issues. In other cases, however, your bleeding gums may be an indication of a much deeper health problem that will require the care of a doctor other than your dentist. It is sometimes a visit to your dentist that finds the first indication of one of these other diseases. Lovett Dental Heights can help you learn to identify some of the oral health issues that can cause bleeding gums and help you get the right treatment.
This is inflammation in your gums and is most often caused by improper oral care. It is caused by a backup of plaque that has allowed the growth of bacteria. Once you have eased the inflammation and start on a better oral care routine, you will be set to go.
This long-term disease causes a deterioration of both the gums and the underline bone of the jaw. Your gums may start to recede, and your teeth become loose and fall out or are subject to decay. You may also notice a foul odor coming from your mouth. Your dentist can help treat this disorder and give you instructions on how to better care for your teeth and gums.
Bleeding gums can be one of the first indications that you have high blood sugar. Diabetes makes it more difficult for your body to fight off any infection. If your oral care routine is lacking, this can make it harder for you to fight off infections in your gums or teeth. You may want to ask your regular physician to do some blood work if you have bleeding gums.
This disease means your blood doesn’t clot because you don’t have enough platelets to help with the clotting. If your gums seem to be fine except for the bleeding and your dentist gives you the okay, you may want to get checked for this bleeding disorder.
Lack of Vitamin C
Sailors used to suffer from a condition called scurvy because they often lacked fresh fruit on long sails. A lack of Vitamin C causes this condition. One of the most common signs of this disorder is bleeding gums. The condition is rare in this day and age, but if you don’t eat a healthy diet, there is a chance that you could be heading in that direction. At the very least, a shortage of Vitamin C can make it difficult for your body to fight off any infection, including gum disease.
Vitamin K Deficiency
Another cause of bleeding gums can be that you lack vitamin K. This vitamin is essential for the proper clotting of blood. If your gums become irritated from even brushing them too briskly, this vitamin deficiency can make it seem like the bleeding isn’t going to stop.
This is another blood disease that can cause your gums to bleed. A deficiency causes this type of blood cancer in the platelet count in your blood. These platelets are what enable your blood to clot. While this is a very unlikely cause of bleeding gums, if your dentist can’t find a cause, make an appointment with your general practitioner to get bloodwork for this and other medical disorders.
Bleeding Gums? Schedule a Dental Appointment
Here at Lovett Dental Heights, we want to remind you that you can prevent several causes of bleeding gums by contacting us at 832-767-2210 and setting up an appointment for an exam and teeth cleaning. If you have already noticed your gums bleeding when you brush, you must make this appointment as soon as possible. We want to help you keep your teeth bright and healthy. Call us today.