If you have a dental emergency while pregnant, you might worry about unintended consequences for your baby. Are dental procedures safe? If you’ve been in an accident or have suffered an injury that has affected your teeth, you’ll want to talk to your doctor as well as your dentist. After you have assessed your need for medical first aid, you can turn to your dental concerns.
At Lovett Dental Heights, we aim to provide you with the best general dentistry services, and we provide emergency dental services for your entire family as well. If you fear you are having a dental emergency, contact us.
Dental Emergency During Pregnancy
If you are having a dental emergency while pregnant, try to remain calm. Remember that all of the stress hormones you are feeling at this time are being delivered to your unborn child simultaneously. However, you’ll want to seek help as soon as possible.
The most common dental emergencies include:
Losing a Tooth
When you have lost a tooth, there is a possibility of saving it for about two hours. A skilled dentist may be able to replace the tooth in your mouth. If you have lost a tooth, be careful to pick it up by the crown instead of the root and preserve it in milk or slightly salted water.
Cracking a Tooth
If you cracked a tooth and a fragment of it has fallen off, find the fragment it may be able to be repaired. If there is bleeding at the site, apply direct pressure gentle direct pressure to alleviate the bleeding. Apply a cold compress to alleviate the swelling. It is possible your cracked tooth can wait if it is not severe.
Breaking Your Jaw
If you are feeling severe pain in your jaw, you may have fractured it. You should go into the emergency room or make an appointment at Lovett Dental heights for emergency dental services.
Biting Your Lip or Tongue
If the bite is less than 1/4 inch, the bite may heal on its own. Rinse with lukewarm saltwater so you can see it better. If you feel it necessary, contact your dentist and let them help you assess the injury.
Burning the Roof of Your Mouth
The mouth is a natural healer. Many injuries in the mouth heal on their own. This one included. Speak with your dental emergency staff to determine if the burn is severe enough to warrant emergency dental attention.
Losing a Filling or a Crown
If possible, find the missing filling or crown and hold onto it for the next available dental visit. If you are feeling pain, take a safe pain reliever. You can possibly replace a crown with some over-the-counter dental cement. You may also be able to put an over-the-counter dentifrice into the cavity created by the lost filling.
Our Practice Can Be Beneficial for Your Growing Family
Whether you have a dental emergency or not, Lovett Dental Heights is the perfect choice for your growing family’s dental needs. We do not only help during dental emergencies; we also offer general dental services as well as cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, endodontics, and periodontics. This means that our Lovett Dental Heights office could be a convenient “one-stop-shop” for all of your family’s dental needs.
As your family grows, consistent future trips to our office can help diagnose dental problems before they become severe. Our team performs exams, X-rays, and computer modeling that reveal potential oral problems so that your family can prevent oral procedures.
Finally, our Lovett Dental Heights team will educate your children about proper dental hygiene as they grow up. When your children know how to take care of their teeth, they’ll have a bright smile for many years to come.
Make Lovett Dental Heights Your Family Dentist
At Lovett Dental Heights, we also provide:
Call Lovett Dental Heights today to make an appointment at 832-767-2210. We are here to provide the services you and your family need for general dentistry and emergency dental services. Contact us today to improve your oral health while pregnant and beyond.